Earth TRN976 is an alternate timeline where Red Skull and Captain America are interrupted in their fight by Earth 13122's Red Skull.
Known Characters from the Timeline[]
Role In The Story[]
Rail Hydra (Flashback Part 1)[]
- Captain America and Bucky Barnes break into a Hydra lair during World War 2 to defeat Red Skull and he escapes.
Rail Hydra (Flashback Part 2)[]
- Captain America,Bucky Barnes and Dum Dum Dogan attack a Hydra train with the goal of capturing Arnim Zola but Bucky Barnes falls off the train leaving Captain America in disbelief.
Rail Hydra (Flashback Part 3)[]
- Captain America and Red Skull attack each other until their fight was interrupted by an alternate Red Skull and ended with Captain America winning.